Please never ever use the phrase “man up”

I’m writing this article out of frustration after an argument I just had with a friend who used the term “man up.” This individual ended up making me repeat myself like 12+ times in a row, which wasn’t too bad this time because it allowed me to really formulate an argument. I don’t expect them to read this, but anyone who does, please consider.

Traditionally, our society has a list of associations with male/female sex. The term “man,” though it can be applied to people who are male gendered and not necessarily male anatomically, has societal associations with anatomical masculinity. We choose to associate being male with being muscular, having short hair, being athletic, wearing pants, etc., but the problem is that these habits are present in people who aren’t anatomically male. By saying “man up,” you are reinforcing the particular association that persistence, emotional strength and being deliberant are inherently masculine, when they can in fact be true of men and women. Saying this discourages women from showing or possessing these useful and important traits, and discourages men from showing the weakness that they all no doubt possess. It’s reinforcing sex and gender associations, and associating a generally good trait with masculinity.